An effective high quality temporary bituminous macadam wearing course packed in various unit sizes and bulk. It is available in Black and comes in a nominal 6mm format. The macadam complies with BS EN 13108-1:2006/AC:2008. Also available in Red (red on black bitumen) subject to minimum order quantities.
• For temporary reinstatement of utility/service trenches
• For patching and filling potholes
• Temporary kerb ramps
The Pothole should be ideally cut cleanly to a regular shape with vertical or slightly undercut sides. Potholes can be filled without cutting the edges although it should be noted best practise is to cleanly cut the edges. The surface should be clean, dry and free from loose material. Apply either Probit Edge Spray or Probit Cationic Cold Joint Paint to the sides and bottom of the hole achieving absolute coverage.
Infill with Probit Delayed Set Macadam levelling it out with a shovel / rake to leave just proud of the existing surface. Compact using a roller/tamper, the surface of which should be kept wet to prevent “picking up”. Make several passes with the roller to ensure adequate compaction. If filling deeper voids compact in small layers of 50mm.
Once the hole is filled and compacted to final height, apply a generous application of Probit Edge Spray around the perimeter of the reinstatement and allow to dry before opening to traffic. Please also refer to separate TDS for Probit Edge Spray and Probit Cationic Cold Joint Paint .
The bags of Macadam should be kept sealed until use, and stored in a warm place prior to use. The bags have a shelf life of 12 months when stored out of direct sunlight. If stored in very cold conditions, the product will be significantly easier to use if warmed before use.
Data Sheet